Trading on the fly is the best catch
A cloud-based application enables stakeholders -fisherman, client, transporter, bank- to keep track on the entire supply chain, and to strengthen the quality of food from the net to the plate.
Our application is an easy to handle process and user interface, through which fishermen can start selling their catch right after the net gets onboard. The software supports both push and pull deals, meaning that fishermen freely can decide among putting their catch on an online fishmarket, satisfying the previously uploaded demands of the buyer, or a combination of both.
The entire software frame is designed to ease the offering process, and to enable fishermen to sell their product exactly the same way as it would be on the wharf or on the fish market.
Our robust and flexible framework gives place to other sales agents, i.e. suppliers of fishery products, fishmarkets to book sales counter, dockyard services, etc.
Once the catch hits the wharf it is vital to arrange the delivery as soon as possible. Our application enables the second session of the supply chain to prepare for the transportation. In the triangle of fishermen-transporters-clients the offers and needs are visible for each participant of the supply chain. A transporter can secure the highest possible filling rate of their vehicles, by which the relative transport fee / unit will be rationalized.
The whole process is built to find the highest optimization and economical ballance from the net to the plate.
Financing and Payments
Our cloud-based software pulls the supply chain closer together, and supports the financial body closer to the process. A bank can easlily enter into this framework offering a wide range of financial services to every stakeholder of fishery. Every user can customize their financial profile according to their needs and wants.